Frequently Asked Questions
What do Episcopalians believe?
As stated in the Apostles’ Creed, Episcopalians believe in God, creator of heaven and earth, in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, who arose from death, and in the Holy Spirit, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.
What are The Sacraments?
Sacraments are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace given to us by Jesus Christ as sure and certain means by which we receive that grace. The two great sacraments given by Christ to His church are Holy Baptism and the Holy Eucharist. Other sacramental rites include confirmation, ordination, holy matrimony, reconciliation and unction. (The Book of Common Prayer, pp. 857-861)
What is the Book of Common Prayer?
The Book of Common Prayer (red book) in the church pew provides formats for worship and various readings and prayers to compliment those worship formats, which are called liturgies.
What does the word Eucharist mean?
It is another name for Holy Communion, a part of the service when bread and wine, representing the body and blood of Jesus Christ, are offered to the congregation. All Baptized Christians are invited to take part in the Eucharist in the Episcopal Church.
Am I expected to do all the bowing and gestures, etc.?
No. You don’t have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. If youʼre not accustomed to bowing, making the sign of the cross, etc., don’t feel you must (some Episcopalians don’t). No one will be keeping score. In fact, we take great pride in the freedom of expression allowed in the Episcopal Church.
May I receive Holy Communion?
All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination, are welcome to receive the consecrated bread and wine with us from the Lordʼs Table.
If I choose to receive Eucharist, how is it done?
To receive the consecrated wafer (host), place one hand over the other palm – palms up. The Host is placed in your hand. Take the Host and place it reverently in your mouth. Yes, you may chew the wafer, reverently. To receive the consecrated Wine, grasp the base of the Eucharistic cup with one hand when it is presented to you, helping the minister to guide it to your lips.
If I don’t wish to drink from the common cup, how do I receive the consecrated wine?
Upon receiving the consecrated wafer, simply leave it in the palm of your hand. When the minister approaches you with the cup, pick up the wafer, dip it into the cup and place it in your mouth. This is called “intinction”.
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.
What is required of those to be confirmed?
It is required of those to be confirmed that they have been baptized, are sufficiently instructed in the Christian Faith and are ready to affirm their confession to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Are there Outreach programs?
St. Paul’s has many ministries including Meals on Wheels, our Food Pantry, the Community Christmas Dinner, our Christmas Bazaar and various pop up ministries.
Are there Volunteer Opportunities at St. Paul’s?
Yes! We always needs volunteers for our ministries and Outreach programs.
Are there fellowship Opportunities at St. Paul’s?
Yes! We have monthly Wednesday night Purely Social suppers and Friday night game night, a bridge group that meets on Monday afternoons, a yearly Halloween party for all ages, and Lenten Wednesday night Soup Suppers with a study.