Volunteer Opportunities

  • Christmas Bazaar

    Make Soup -Tuesday nights 9/26-10/24 6 PM
    Workshops -Tuesdays 9/19 - 11/14 9:30 AM
    Bazaar Weekend - 11/17-11/19
    Cook for Bake Sale
    Donate items
    Craft at home
    Shop at Bazaar
    For more information:
    Sandra Little 423-292-3339/slittle56@gmail.com
    Paige Kramer 423-677-9702/paige1515@gmail.com
    Susan Tipton 423-212-0555/stipton44@gmail.com (bake sale)

  • Parish Life

    Set Tables, Decorate, Cook and Clean Up for the following events:
    Purely Social Wed. Evening Dinners (monthly)
    Halloween Party
    Chili Cook Off
    Lenten Suppers
    (Wednesdays during Lent)
    Pentecost Picnic
    Day School Christmas & End of Year Celebration

    For More Information:
    Adair Murdoch 423-292-4831/aemurdoch@aol.com
    Rev. Chris Harpster, Deacon/Ministry Coordinator 423-817-3147/harpschris1114@gmail.com

    Coffee Hour-serve coffee, lemonade and small snacks after church
    For More Information:
    Kristen Galloway or Deacon Chris

  • Food Pantry

    Wednesday mornings – 8:30 am to 11:15am
    Filling bags – on your own schedule – rotating schedule about every 6 weeks
    Unloading Second Harvest pick up – 10:45 am – 11:45 am – 1st Thursday each month
    Donation Pickup – Walmart (Lynn Garden) – every other Friday 9:00 AM -11:00 AM
    For More Information:
    Clare Childs (708) 528-3733/see.cubed63@gmail.com
    Chris Harpster (423) 817-3147//harpschris1114@gmail.com

  • Meals on Wheels

    People to heat and assemble 20-25 meals (usually in teams of 2-3 people) during Sunday service about once every 6-7 weeks. Menus and food provided for preparation in Berndt Hall Kitchen
    People to deliver 5-8 meals in one of three Kingsport area routes (Bloomingdale, Lynn Garden, mid-town) after the Sunday service once every 5-6 weeks. These meals go to elderly or disabled in the community who cannot cook for themselves.
    For More Information:
    Eleanor Cwirko 423-863-6396/cwirko@charter.net
    Chris Harpster 423-817-3147/harpschris1114@gmail.com

  • Altar Guild

    Prepares the church for special occasions/services such as Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, weddings, and funerals
    Sets up the altar for eucharist
    Work in teams for 3 months each year
    For More Information:
    Susan Tipton 423-212-0555 or sptipton44@gmail.com
    Cricket Malcolm 423-245-5129 or cmmalcolm1@aol.com

  • EYG (Episcopal Youth Group)

    Adult mentors to provide fun, formation and food for our young adults from 6th through 12th grade.. Our Safe Church, Safe Community protocols require that we have at least one person who identifies as male, and one person that identifies as female to serve as adult mentors.
    For More Information:
    Rev. Johnny Tuttle, Rector 423-245-5187/fatherjohnnytuttle@gmail.com
    Rev. Chris Harpster, Deacon/Ministry Coordinator 423-817-3147/harpschris1114@gmail.com

  • Sunday Morning Altar Party

    Acolytes and Crucifers lead the procession with the cross and light of Christ
    Eucharistic Ministers have the privilege to handle and communicate the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful.
    Lectors: Read the scripture readings and prayers
    For more Information:
    Rev. Johnny Tuttle, Rector 423-245-5187/fatherjohnnytuttle@gmail.com
    Rev. Chris Harpster, Deacon/Ministry Coordinator 423-817-3147/harpschris1114@gmail.com

  • Children's Church

    Provide a loving mini child friendly liturgy to our little ones during the first part of Sunday morning service. You will work with another person and must be trained in our Safe Church Safe Community protocols. This is a rotating schedule.
    For More Information:
    Kylee Phalen, 423-530-1129/kyleerosep@gmail.com
    Nicki Tuttle 404-406-3670/nickituttle88@gmail.com

  • Mowing and Grounds Keeping

    Mow church grounds on rotating schedule
    For More Information:
    Hal Yungmeyer 423-247-8911/yungmeyer@charter.net
    Grounds-weeding and maintaining bed
    For More Information:
    Cricket and Mike Malcolm 423-245-1529/cmmalcolm1@aol.com

  • DOK (Daughters of the King)

    DOK meet twice a month to study and pray
    Provide Welcome Bags for visitors
    For More Information:

    Winkle McKinley 423-378-5271/jhmckinley@yahoo.com

  • Pastoral Care

    Congregants assist Father Johnny and Deacon Chris in giving care to our members.
    Eucharistic Ministry to Shut-Ins
    You will be trained and will visit in teams of two.
    For More Information:
    Rex Ward
    Rev. Johnny Tuttle, Rector 423-245-5187/fatherjohnnytuttle@gmail.com
    Parish Monthly Ministry
    This ministry to folks in need includes cards, phone calls, home & hospital visits, delivering altar flowers and meal help.
    For More Information:
    Anne McGinty 423-367-8008/anneemcginty@aol..com
    Leslie Forrester 423-534-4506/leslie.c.forrester@gmail.com

  • Ushers and/or Safety Team

    For More Information:
    Todd Dougan 423-288-3125

  • Emmaus Campus Ministry

    Cook meals for college students
    For more Information:
    Rev. Chris Harpster, Deacon/ETSU Campus Minister 423-817-3147/harpschris1114@gmail.com

  • Choir

    Always looking for folks who can sing and blend.
    Choir meets on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-6:30 PM except during summer.
    For More Information:
    Greg Lacey 423-302-8626/moller3x@gmail.com